Blog Archives

ICSA News: Workshop(!), Schedule Augmentation, Incentive

Two announcements and a question:

1) We are hosting a workshop and viewing fights afterwards on projector. Please click on the
facebook invitation link below to learn more!:

2) We will be augmenting our schedule to better suit your needs. We will be removing the 7am Wednesday class and adding two afternoon classes on Tuesday and Thursday from 12-1PM.
Currently, we are planning on having
one kickboxing class and one MMA Conditioning class. If you have any feedback, please feel free to reply.

And my question: Do you know of anyone or family that is looking into fitness or martial arts? We at ICSA are considering starting a
kid’s and women’s program. If you have any thoughts, ideas, and most helpful of all, referrals , we are all ears.

Our incentive: If you are an ICSA student and one of your referrals joins, we will give you a month of training for free.

Thanks, and hope to see you on the mat!

Looking for Fighters/Staff!

Hello Everyone,

ICSA is making South India’s first fight team and we need your help!

We need dedicated people that are willing to train at least 10 hours a week and are communicative about when they can’t make it. Every week, I will also make time for private lessons. All training will be FREE OF CHARGE.

If you are looking for a job, once you learn the curriculum well enough you will be a paid assistant at ICSA and then, potentially, a fully fledged instructor.

Prior experience in martial arts is not a must, but would be helpful (including Boxing, Kickboxing, Judo, Wrestling, Kushti, etc).

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Hope to hear from you soon.


MMA Wednesdays!

Due to demand, we are replacing our Wednesday Kickboxing class with a Mixed Martial Arts class!